Sunday 1 December 2013

My Lovely Memories

My Lovely Memories.

Hello,it's me Salote. I can not believe that it's already the end of the year.This year has gone really fast and I can' t even remember some of the things we did through out the year, but I think that I can remember some of the trips and other things that we have done in school and outside school.
One of my favourite memories was when we went to Jellie park for our swimming lessons. Mostly we had to learn our back strokes and holding our breath under water for a very long time.
We also had Top Team challenge, we invited some schools to join us in the Top Team challenge.We also had to wear coloured clothing.
We went to the Antarctic centre as a whole school to see the Little Blue Penguins and some of the teachers took photos of the penguins.The Little Blue Penguins were cute and some of the Penguins had only one flipper and the penguins had been

rescued from different places.All of the penguins had names.

The best memory out of all of my other memory's was meeting my three friends Ashleen,Jakita and Hannah and my lovely teacher  Whaea Sharon.

This is my memory poster.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Richmond School Gala.

Our Richmond School Gala. 11/11/13

On the 8th of November Richmond School and I held a school gala celebration.We were thanking the people who had helped us throughout the years.Richmond School was open for 138 years and it is still standing now in 2013. The School was opened in 1875. Some of the old students that used to come to Richmond School still remembered what classrooms that they were in, at that time. Things have also changed since they had lift the school to go to intermediate. Richmond School used to be across the road by the park before it was build on this site. 
Before the gala began at 4.30pm we had to set up everything. Hannah, Michael, Noa, Jakita and I were asked to help Whaea Jacqualene get the gala set up and ready for 4.30 pm when everyone was expected to arrive.
The first thing we had to do was to put the bread on the paper napkins to make   it easier for the hot dog makers.Then we had to get the boxes of water that were in the hall and they were quite heavy to carry. After we had done that Michael and I had to cover four tables with rolls of paper and we also had to tape it down so the wind wouldn't blow it away. Then we had to put out the tables from room three but this time the whole of room three class had to help because Hannah, Michael, Noa, Jakita and I couldn’t get all of the tables out of room three in a small amount of time.We also had to put little colourful flowers in glass cups that were filled with water.After we had done everything we had to go back to class and leave everything else for the teachers to do after school when all of the children had gone home.
My opinion is that the Richmond School gala was really Awesome and Fun!!!

Thursday 31 October 2013

Top Team Challenge

The Top Team Challenge.

On 29/10/13 of October my school and I had a special event going on in our school field it was called the Top Team Challenge. We also invited some other schools to our TopTeam Challenge.The schools who came to our Top Team Challenge were,Seabrook Mackizie,Linwood North,Shirly primary,Banks Avenue and Richmond School and there were al so over one hundred.
The Top Team Challenge set up all of the ten activities. Then we had to play against other teams from the other schools but on some of the challenges we versed our own class mates.Some of the activities were quite challenging for some of the groups,but we got through it by working as a team and using our initiative to think about what we should do next and how do we do it.I can also name some activities that were in the Top Team Challenge they were Hoop Throw,Memory Maze, Caterpillar and Tower.
After all of the schools had done all of the activities the first and second third groups were presented with a certificate.When all of the winners were presented,everyone got an ice-block I think that Top 
Team was really fun and challenging for me but it was not that bad.

Monday 28 October 2013

Flick it on challenge.

This term room three and I have been creating a silent movie for the " Flick it on Challenge". Before we started filming we had to write and read about how schooling has changed through the years.Firstly, we had to read and write about how school has change through the years .We had to go to the library to find out what school was like and felt like in the Pre European days, once we had done that we had to do three more time zones before we started making our movie for the flick it on challenge. The three other times zones that we had to read and write about were, Early European, present and the future time zones. So for each time we had to read and write about how pre and early European,present and future children learnt or would learn when they were at school.

When we were ready to film about how school had changed through the years our teacher puts us in groups of two because each group had turns being the characters and being the one who took the footage when their group was acting in front of the iPad when we were doing our first part of our movie which is the early European.We also had to act it in FerryMead in a small classroom and the class room also looked very old.

 The actors that were acting in the early European were Jakita,Tom and Connor. After we had finished everything we had to edit our work on our iPads. We also had to make our movie really silent because we have to send our movie to a school in USA and another school from up north. These schools are also creating a Flick it on challenge and they have to send their flick it on movie to us so we can edit theirs that they have created.When all our movies are finished and we've completed the movies that we were editing for the other schools we send them back. Then we can watch our movie together as a class. For one of our movie scenes we used green screen.
My opinion is that I have learnt a lot and had a lot of fun making and creating this IMovie.
The Top Team Challenge.

Monday 2 September 2013

03.09.13.Minecraft Classroom Design.

Today I would like to tell you about our very exciting mission that we have been completing. We have been commissioned to design a classroom for a new school that will be built in Christchurch.We are using Minecraft Virtual World to create a classroom that I would want to learn in.
We used MineCraft because we were designing our class room for 2014 which is after 2013.The future classroom has to have somewhere you can learn in like a reading area where everybody sits down and reads a book.It also has to have a maths area.

But before we started to go on MineCraft we took step by step procedures.The first thing we had to do was brainstorm our ideas in our topic books.We had to think of things that we would like to have in our classrooms.After we brainstormed all of our ideas we had to build our classrooms out of Lego blocks so that when we went onto our iPads we could picture what we were building.
After we had done that we to draw our classroom building in our topic book.We had to draw our drawings in a birds eye view and had to label each area eg reading room,the maths area and so on and so on.Then we had to go on to our iPads and select a world on the server of the MindCraft.After that we had got in to MindCraft we had to find a flat piece of land so that we could  build our classroom on it.

We also had to get familiar with the commands so we knew what to do when we wanted to turn left or right or even up and down. After all of that we learnt the commands and found a suitable piece of land we had to start building our school.

Now I am going to talk about the bad points and the good points.The good thing about the app Mindcraft is that you can build any thing but you have to build it out of blocks that are in all sorts  of colours.Now to the bad points.The bad thing about MineCraft is that some of us kept on losing our classrooms that they had built and had put their best work in to. One more thing about the bad point is if you put a waterfall in it can flood your whole classroom unless you put blocks on topo of the water.

Now the last thing I am going to say is what I think about the cool app MineCraft.I think that the app MineCraft is a very good learning app that every one can enjoy.

My next step learning for Minecraft is to build a home sweet home in Minecraft.

Thank you for reading my MineCraft blog.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Richmond School Garden.

Richmond School Garden.

On Friday afternoon at 2.00 pm we had to go to our school fill the gap garden. Before we went down to the garden we had to get the garden tools and some new spring plants that our teacher Whaea Sharon had brought for the class to put in the Richmond School Fill the Gap garden.
We had to think of a way to carry all of the tools and plants to the garden and back. We were thinking for long time but not too long though, but after a few seconds Ashleen said "Why don't we use a wheelbarrow if we have one".Then Whaea Sharon said "We do have a wheelbarrow but someone has to wheel the wheelbarrow to the garden" I said "I will I will I'll wheel the wheelbarrow to the garden but someone has to swap with me when we come back from the garden." So that's what we did.
The first thing we did when we arrived at the garden was to pick up all the rubbish. We all lined up across the garden and walked the length of the garden and worked like a rubbish truck. I also helped to clean the graffiti off our sign. The lady from "Ma and Pa's Cafe" kindly helped us as well.
Then we weeded the planter boxes and removed the dead plants. Only then were we able to choose a flower to plant. I chose a purple flower to plant because purple is my favourite colour.
By the time we returned to school we were all sweaty and tired, but it was worth it. Our Fill the Gap Garden looks much better now.

Sunday 11 August 2013

My fraction.

Learning how to use fractions.

Hi everyone it's me again on my blog. Today I am going to talk about fractions and how we use them. My class has been talking about fractions and a fraction is a part of a whole and a fractional part has to be the same size or equal amounts.